Getting Started
  1. Download ReloadoScreenshot for Windows.
  2. Copy the file to an easily accessible place. For example: desktop or taskbar.
  3. Optional: Create a shortcut key. Right click on "ReloadoScreenshot.exe", click on Preferences and type in "Shortcut key".
  4. After starting the application a screenshot will taken immediately!

Extended instructions:
  1. Download and extract ReloadoScreenshot for OS X. You could get it also here:
  2. Copy the file to an easily accessible place. For example: desktop or menu bar.
  3. Optional: Create a shortcut key. Follow these instructions.
  4. After starting the application a screenshot will taken immediately!
  1. Install JAVA and download ReloadoScreenshot for Linux.
  2. Copy the file to an easily accessible place. For example: desktop or taskbar.
  3. Optional: Create a shortcut key.
  4. After starting the application a screenshot will taken immediately!
  1. Install ReloadoScreenshot for Android.
  2. Take a screenshot with the usual shortcut:
  3. Wipe down the menu and tap on share. Click on "ReloadoScreenshot".

Extended instructions:
  1. Install the extension for Google Chrome.
  2. Take a screenshot by pressing the "ScreenshotReloado"-Button.
  3. Log in, edit and share your screenshot!